2015 October

Global Investigations and Judicial Oversight. 17 November from 6pm

By | Events, Financial Services Practitioners, Junior Lawyers | No Comments

Outer Temple Chambers and the Financial Services Lawyers Association would like to invite you to attend an evening seminar on global investigations and judicial oversight, to be followed by a drinks reception. The event will be held at Inner Temple Hall and is CPD accredited.

Event Details

The seminar will be chaired by Richard Lissack QC of Outer Temple Chambers and will include presentations from a panel comprising:

– Judge Timothy Herrington, Judge in the Upper Tribunal
– Mark Steward, FCA, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight
– Stephanie Pagni, Global Head of Litigation, Barclays Bank
– Dorian Drew – Partner, Clifford Chance
– Richard Hitchcock QC, Barrister, Outer Temple Chambers

Panellists will address a wide range of issues concerning cross border investigations, their regulatory resolution and judicial oversight.

Registration will be from 6pm with the talks starting promptly at 6:30pm. We very much hope that you will also be able to join members of Outer Temple Chambers for a drinks reception after the seminar.

Please register your interest below (selecting ‘FSLA Member’) and we would kindly ask you to let us know should you no longer be able to attend.

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