The majority of FSLA members are practitioners in the financial services
sector. Here are some things we do that will be of interest to you:

FSLA Work and Social Events

Financial services law practitioners can find details of events directly relevant to their work on our events pages. Please also check these pages for information about social events such as our Christmas and Summer drinks.

FSLA Pro Bono

FSLA operates a pro bono scheme which provides legal representation (experienced solicitors and barristers from amongst our members) for individuals and firms due to appear before either the Regulatory Decisions Committee of the FCA or the Upper Tribunal.

FSLA Social Mobility Scheme

In conjunction with the Social Mobility Fund (SMF), FSLA members host A-level students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are performing well academically and have an interest in law. The students spend time in the High Court, chambers and law firms.

FSLA Publications

FSLA contributes a quarterly article by a member or members in the Butterworth’s Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL) called ‘FSLA View’. Members are encouraged to contribute articles and should contact the Executive Committee with proposed topics.

The FSLA and Blackstone Chambers Trends in Enforcement Seminar

By | Events, Financial Services Practitioners | No Comments

Wednesday, 5th March 2025 from 6pm, hosted at The Royal Society of Arts.

On behalf of the Financial Services Lawyers Association (FSLA) and Blackstone Chambers, we would like to invite you to attend the annual Trends in Enforcement seminar and reception on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ.

The seminar will comprise a panel chaired by Javan Herberg KC, Blackstone Chambers, and will feature Therese Chambers, Joint Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight, Financial Conduct Authority, Andrew George KC, Blackstone Chambers, Martyn Hopper, Partner, Linklaters and Scott Corrigan, Global Head of Disputes & Government Investigations, Legal, Standard Chartered Bank.

Registration will open at 6pm, with the panel starting at 6.30pm, followed by drinks and canapés at 8pm.

During the 90 minute seminar, the speakers will discuss the latest thinking on how to tackle some of the most difficult enforcement issues facing those working in the financial services sector, followed by a Q&A.

Members of Blackstone Chambers and FSLA ExCo would be pleased if you would join them and the panellists for a drinks reception following the seminar.

Please note that attendance at this event is strictly for FSLA Members. If you wish to become a member of FSLA in order to attend, please contact

We look forward to seeing you on 5th March 2025.

*Please log in to read further (registered FSLA members only)*.
Already a member? Log in here

Modernising the Redress System – A FSLA and Ashurst Event

By | Events, Financial Services Practitioners | No Comments

A FSLA and Ashurst in-person roundtable to discuss the FOS/FCA Call for Input on Wednesday 8th January 2025 from 8.30 to 10am at Ashurst

On behalf of the Financial Services Lawyers Association and Ashurst we would like to invite you to attend our forthcoming event on Modernising the Redress System.

The roundtable will discuss the challenges that the Financial Ombudsman Service regime creates and explore the potential solutions sought under the recent Call for Input.

The roundtable discussions will be facilitated by four panellists:

  • Nathan Willmott, Partner at Ashurst
  • Saima Hanif KC, of 3 Verulam Buildings
  • Katharine Harle, Partner at Dentons
  • Gregory Brandman, Partner at Eversheds Sutherland

This is an in-person event, which will be taking place at Ashurst, Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW. Registration will open at 8.30am, with refreshments, with the roundtable commencing at 9am.

If you have any queries ahead of the event, please contact us at

Please note this is a small event and we may need to run a waiting list.

We look forward to seeing you on 8 January 2025.

*Please log in to read further (registered FSLA members only)*.
Already a member? Log in here

“On both the prudential and conduct side, we thought that simple rules and principles would suffice to deliver good results…We now know the limits of those assumptions and we need to design new approaches.”

(Adair Turner)