FSLA Essay Competition 2017

By 12 May 2017 Students No Comments

The Financial Services Lawyers Association is pleased to announce its annual essay competition.
The title for this year’s competition is as follows:

‘Higher penalties do not mean better behaviour. Discuss.’

The purpose of the essay is to provide students with the opportunity to apply their studies to issues that are of particular industry and social relevance.

Essays should be no longer than 1,500 words. The full competitions rules can be found here: FSLA Essay Competition 2017 Rules

Please submit your essay before Sunday 6th August 2017 to fslalondon@gmail.com

The Chris Stallard Memorial Prize (first prize) is £1,000 plus a six week internship at the FCA!
The runner up prize is £500. Third prize is £250.

Entrants are not required to be FSLA members, though free membership is offered to all law students.