FSLA Summer Drinks and Essay Prize Giving

Join us for our annual drinks at 6pm on 20th July at Middle Temple Gardens

On behalf of the Financial Services Lawyers Association, we invite you to attend a summer drinks party in Middle Temple Gardens where we shall also carry out the prize giving for the annual essay competition.

The drinks are an opportunity to re-connect with friends and colleagues after what will in many cases be a long absence. The drinks are outdoors (but with space indoors in the event of rain) and therefore we hope all our members will feel comfortable attending.

Since we expect most people will be attending from home rather than from the office please feel free to dress for a summer garden party rather than for the office!

We have booked the gardens for 20th July 2021 from 6pm with the prize-giving at 6.30pm. We look forward to seeing our members in person after a year of online events.

The title of the essay competition was “Facebook (and other private companies) are better placed than central banks to issue and maintain stable currencies.” Discuss. The Chris Stallard Memorial Prize (first prize) was awarded to William Wong, with Vibudha Hebballi and Constantine Fraser in second and third place. Their entries may be viewed here.

FSLA is very grateful to the panel of judges for considering the huge number of entries in this year’s competition, Professor Eva Lomnicka, Sir William Blair QC and Upper Tribunal Judge Herrington.

Please note the event may still be cancelled due to government COVID announcements expected prior to 20th July.

If you are able to attend the drinks, please register below.

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