FSLA Privacy Policy
- Background
- Who is collecting your personal data?
- What personal data do we collect?
- Policy statement
- The collection of personal data
- Storing your personal data
- Your rights
- Retaining and disposing your data
- Changes to the privacy policy
- Contact us
1. Background
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) works together with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) to form the data protection regime in the UK.
The GDPR sets out seven key principles which are at the heart of the Financial Services Lawyers Association’s (FSLA) approach to processing personal data. These principles are:
- Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
- Purpose limitation
- Data minimisation
- Accuracy
- Storage limitation
- Integrity and confidentiality (security)
- Accountability
2. Who is collecting your personal data?
FSLA is an organisation giving membership to those involved in the area of financial services law and regulation, or those who have an interest in it in the UK.
The objective of FSLA is to provide a forum to discuss and exchange ideas relating to financial service law in the UK, ultimately to provide a space where all stakeholders in this area can interact to foster co-operation, and improve the collective knowledge of its members and the sector as a whole.
FSLA also aims to develop an interest in financial services law amongst students, which FSLA does through events with them, and by inviting them to enter into an essay competition which is administered by the Association.
FSLA currently has over 1,000 members from a broad range of backgrounds including experts in industry, academics, regulators and students.
3. What personal data do we collect?
Under the GDPR personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. FSLA collects names and email addresses from all of its members to achieve the stated aims of the Association. FSLA may also collect bank details of individual members. FSLA does not collect any of the special categories of data set out in the GDPR.
4. Policy statement
FSLA is committed to protecting the privacy of all of your personal information obtained from anyone joining the association. We do not sell, share, or transfer your personal data, except as set out in this statement. We use your personal information for administration of the membership benefits of the association, to notify you of any events and to enable you to attend our online events. We employ the services of a third party to help us for certain functions, such as website hosting, administering events and as part of a mailing list. However, in these cases, at all times FSLA will control and be responsible for the use of your personal data.
When an individual enters into the Regulatory Decisions Committee& Upper Tribunal Scheme, FSLA will pass on your personal information to the relevant law firm with whom you will have a direct legal relationship. FSLA will not retain the personal data of individuals beyond the time which it is necessary for FSLA to make a decision about how to carry on your case.
FSLA is an organisation that has a legitimate interest in collecting, storing and processing the data of the association’s membership in order to keep them informed about events and in the interest of FSLA’s objectives. FSLA will also collect information from those who choose to enter into the essay competition for the legitimate interest of keeping them abreast of developments and results of the contest.
5. The collection of personal data
FSLA collects personal data when:
- Individuals or organisations sign up to become a member
- Individuals enter into the essay competition
- Individuals request representation under the RDC/UT Scheme
- We also collect the personal data of persons within organisations with whom we may wish to partner with for producing an event in line with our objectives
6. Storing your personal data
FSLA may collect: Your name; email address; your place of work; and information regarding your current employer.
FSLA will regularly review membership lists to ensure that where personal data is stored FSLA will remove the information of those who are no longer active or are no longer responsive members of FSLA.
Members of FSLA may also actively have their information removed from the website, mailing list, or Lexology list by requesting that they be unsubscribed. Members can also contact fslalondon@gmail.com to ensure that their data is removed.
7. Your rights
The GDPR provides individuals specific rights pertaining to their personal data:
- The right to be informed
- The right of access
- The right to rectification
- The right to erasure
- The right to restrict processing
- The right to data portability
- The right to object
- Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
8. Retaining and disposing of your data
Personal data will only be retained for a period not longer than is necessary in relation to the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected.
Any member may request what details are held by FSLA and FSLA will dispose of information as requested and as completely as the Association is able.
9. Changes to the privacy policy
If any changes are made to the policy, it will be updated on this page on the website.
10. Contact us
If you have any queries relating to FSLA’s privacy policy, please contact fslalondon@gmail.com.